South Carolina Supreme Court
Alphabetical List of Justices with Biographies
- C H I E F J U S T I C E S -
Baker, David Gordon
1943 - 1956
Beatty, Donald W.
2017 - 2024
Blease, Eugene Satterwhite
1931 - 1934
Bonham, Milledge Lipscomb
1940 - 1943
Chandler, Archie Lee
Finney, Jr., Ernest Adolphus
1994 - 2000
Gary, Eugene Blackburn
1912 - 1926
Gregory, Jr., George Tillman
1988 - 1991
Harwell, David Walker
1992 - 1994
Jones, Ira Boyd
1909 - 1912
Kittredge, John Williamson
2024 - Present
Lewis, James Woodrow
1975 - 1984
Littlejohn, Cameron Bruce
1984 - 1985
McIver, Henry
1891 - 1903
Moses, Sr., Franklin J.
1868 - 1877
Moss, Joseph Rodney
1966 - 1975
Ness, Julius B.
1984 - 1988
Pleicones, Costa M.
Pope, Young John
1903 - 1909
Simpson, William Dunlap
1880 - 1890
Stabler, John Gates
1935 - 1940
Stukes, Taylor Hudnall
1956 - 1961
Taylor, Claude Ambrose
1961 - 1966
Toal, Jean Hoefer
2000 - 2015
Watts, Richard Cannon
1927 - 1930
Willard, Ammiel Jenkins
1877 - 1880
- A S S O C I A T E J U S T I C E S -
Baker, David Gordon
1935 - 1943
Beatty, Donald W.
2007 - 2016
Bell, Randall T.
Elected 1994; Died Prior to Being Sworn In
Blease, Eugene Satterwhite
1926 - 1931
Bonham, Milledge Lipscomb
1931 - 1940
Brailsford, Jr., James Moncrief
1962 - 1974
Burnette, III, Elijah Curran
1995 - 2007
Bussey, Thomas Patrick
1961 - 1975
Carter, Jesse Francis
1927 - 1943
Chandler, Archie Lee
1984 - 1994
Cothran, Thomas Perrin
1921 - 1934
Few, John Cannon
2016 - Present
Finney, Jr., Ernest Adolphus
1985 - 1994
Fishburne, Edward Ladson
1935 - 1954
Fraser, Jr., Thomas Boone
1912 - 1925
Gage, George Williams
1914 - 1921
Gary, Eugene Blackburn
1894 - 1912
Gregory, Jr., George Tillman
1975 - 1988
Harwell, David Walker
1980 - 1992
Haskell, Alexander Cheves
1877 - 1879
Hearn, Kaye Gorenflow
2009 - 2022
Hill, David Garrison
2023 - Present
Hoge, Solomon Lafayette
1868 - 1869
Hydrick, Daniel Edward
1909 - 1921
James, Jr., George C.
2017 - Present
Jones, Ira Boyd
1896 - 1909
Kittredge, John W.
2008 - 2024
Legge, Lionel Kennedy
1954 - 1961
Lewis, James Woodrow
1961 - 1975
Littlejohn, Cameron Bruce
1984 - 1985
Marion, John Hardin
1922 - 1926
McGowan, Samuel
1879 - 1894
McIver, Henry
1877 - 1891
Moore, James Edward
1991 - 2008
Moss, Joseph Rodney
1956 - 1966
Ness, Julius B.
1974 - 1985
Oxner, George Dewey
1944 - 1962
Pleicones, Costa M.
2000 - 2016
Pope, Young John
1891 - 1903
Rhodes, Jr., William Luther
1975 - 1980
Stabler, John Gates
1926 - 1935
Stukes, Taylor Hudnall
1940 - 1956
Taylor, Claude Ambrose
1944 - 1961
Toal, Jean Hoefer
1988 - 2000
Verdin, Letitia H.
2024 - Present
Waller, Jr., John Henry
1994 - 2009
Watts, Richard Cannon
1912 - 1927
Willard, Ammiel Jenkins
1868 - 1877
Woods, Charles Albert
1903 - 1913
Wright, Jonathan Jasper
1870 - 1877