News & Events
The SC Supreme Court Historical Society’s Annual Meeting featuring a special presentation on The History of the SC Court of Appeals
The South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society conducted its Annual Meeting on April 16, 2024, at the Palmetto Club in Columbia. At the meeting, retired Chief Judge James Lockemy moderated a program entitled, “The History of the South Carolina Court of Appeals.”
Chief Judge (ret) Lockemy, Judge Bert Goolsby, Justice Kaye Hearn, and Chief Judge Bruce Williams made presentations on the creation and development of the Court of Appeals. Justice Hearn also spoke on the significant role of Judge Carol Conner, South Carolina’ first woman to serve as a circuit court and appellate court judge.
At the meeting, the following were elected as the 2024-2025 South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society officers: Roy Laney-President; Megan Sweeney Seiner- President Elect; Blaire Cann - Secretary; Brad Waring - Treasurer. The following Board Members were elected for terms to continue until 2027: Luther Battiste, Mitch Brown, Emma Dean and Julie Moose.
The mission of the South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society is to study, preserve, and collect the history of the courts, the judiciary, the legal profession, the judicial development of the rule of law, and judicial independence in South Carolina, as well as to educate the public about that history through publications, conferences, or other means. You may learn more about the Society at scschistory.org.
Attendees enjoying the presentations.
Justice John Few, Chief Justice-Elect John Kittredge, and Chief Justice Don Beatty enjoyed the presentation.
Retired Judge Bert Goolsby shared a personal story of the SC Court of Appeals.
Chief Judge Bruce Williams provided remarks on the evolution and current practices of the SC Court of Appeals.
Retired Dean Rob Wilcox and Murrell Smith, Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, share remarks.
Retired Dean Rob Wilcox, Justice George C. James, and Justice D. Garrison Hill enjoying the presentation. All current members of the SC Supreme Court attended the event, along with several former members.
2023 Fall Meeting: From “No” to Worldwide Coverage: A Brief History of Cameras in SC Courts Video Presentation
Retired Chief Judge James Lockemy moderated the Annual Meeting presentation.
Retired Justice Kaye Hearn not only shared her insights of her days at the SC Court of Appeals, but remembered the late Judge Carol Connors’ contributions, as well.
Current and former members of the SC Court of Appeals.
2024 Members of the SC Supreme Court Historical Society’s Bard of Directors. Roy Laney-President; Dan Shearouse; Blaire Cann-Secretary; Megan Seiner-President-Elect; Rob Wilcox, Retired Justice Kaye Hearn; Luther Battiste; and Lanny Lambert-Past President.
Members Annual Meeting:
Honoring the Legacy of Chief Justice C. Bruce Littlejohn
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | 4:00 p.m.
The Palmetto Club | Columbia, SC
Ceremony honoring The Honorable Associate Justice Kaye Gorenflo Hearn
Before Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | 3:00 p.m.
The SC Supreme Court | Columbia, SC
Update on the Restoration and Repair of John Belton O’Neall Portrait
With the approval of the Supreme Court, the South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society in 2021 commissioned the repair and restoration of a portrait of South Carolina Court of Appeals Chief Justice John Belton O’Neall, which is a part of the Court’s portrait collection. The portrait of Chief Justice O’Neall had been significantly damaged at some point and had accumulated a significant layer of dirt over the past 177 years.
Chief Justice O’Neall served as a justice on the South Carolina Court of Appeals, then the state’s highest court, from 1830 until the Court was dissolved following its decision in M'Cready v. Hunt in 1834. The legislature then created separate courts for law and equity. In 1859, a unified Court of Appeals was re-established, and Justice O’Neall was elected to serve as Chief Justice of the new South Carolina Court of Appeals, again the highest court of the state, until his death in 1863.
This is the Society’s first project to repair and restore important works of art in the Court’s collection. The work is being funded through private contributions solicited by the Society for this project.
On April 27, during a special session of the South Carolina Supreme Court, Jennifer Bullock, lead conservator at Carolina Conservation, updated the Court and Society members on the nearly completed projected. She described the cleaning and conservation process and showed videos of the work on the 1845 painting. The portrait was temporarily on display in the Court during the presentation in order that those attending could see its remarkable transformation. Work will soon be completed, and the portrait will be permanently returned to the Court’s collection.
Memberships Extended Until 2023
The outbreak of Covid has required that the Society postpone activities and events until we are able to resume offering programs in a safe manner. We hope for a full and enhanced calendar of Society activities in 2022-23. Therefore, the Board of Directors has approved extending membership through June 30, 2023, for all members who have joined the Society since 2019.
SC Supreme Court Historical Society's Most Influential Decisions Database
You are invited to join in the project to build the South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society's data base of the Court's most influential decisions. The Society will publish the list of nominated decisions as a research tool for students of South Carolina's legal history and will draw upon the list for future research and publication projects. You may nominate one or more decisions by clicking on the link below and completing a brief form that includes the name of the case, its citation, and a few sentences explaining why you consider the decision to be an important or influential decision of the Court.
2022 Members Annual Meeting:
Honoring the Legacy of Chief Justice Ernest A. Finney
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
The South Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society’s inaugural spring members event and annual meeting took place Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at The Palmetto Club.
The event featured a brief business session followed by a special presentation on the career of The Honorable Ernest A. Finney, Former Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court presented by Luther Battiste, founding shareholder of Johnson, Toal & Battiste, PA, Dr. Bobby Donaldson, Director of the Center for Civil Rights History and Research at the University of South Carolina, and The Honorable Jean H. Toal, Former Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court.