Related Resources
Supreme Court of South Carolina
The Supreme Court is the highest court in South Carolina. The Court is composed of a Chief Justice and four Associate Justices who are elected to ten year terms by the General Assembly. The terms of the justices are staggered and a justice may be reelected to any number of terms.
U.S. Supreme Court Historical Society
The Society is dedicated to the collection and preservation of the history of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Society accomplishes its mission by conducting educational programs, programs of interest to legal practitioners, scholars and historians and the general public supporting historical research, publishing books, journals, and electronic materials, and by collecting antiques and artifacts related to the Court’s history.
University of South Carolina Law Library
The law library has a substantial SC legal history collection. For more information please see:
Special Collections
Portrait Collections
Legal History Room Tour -
Memory Hold the Door
The South Carolina Bar Foundation, University of South Carolina School of Law, and the SC Bar honor lawyers who have passed away who were not only tremendous attorneys but were leaders that gave back to their communities as well.
South Caroliniana Library
The South Caroliniana Library is one of the premier research archives and special collections repositories in South Carolina and the Southeast region. The library’s holdings are essential to the understanding of South Carolina and Southern culture over the past 300 years.
Hollings Library University of South Carolina
The Irvin Department of Rare Books & Special Collections, South Carolina Political Collections, and Digital Collections share the Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library and the Dorothy B. Smith Reading Room.
S.C. Department of Archives and History
The mission of the Department of Archives and History is to preserve and promote the documentary and cultural heritage of the state through archival care and preservation, records management, public access, historic preservation, and education.
South Carolina Historical Society
The South Carolina Historical Society was founded in 1855 to expand, preserve, and make accessible its collection; to improve knowledge of and encourage focus, interest and pride in the history of South Carolina.